A request I often get from clients and business users when I am working on MicroStrategy dashboards or mobile BI applications is to assign specific colors to graphs based on attribute elements. Following the visualization above, on the Top 4 U.S. Wireless Providers Subscribers as of Q3-2016 as an example, requests like these can be achieved by using Thresholds based on attribute elements and selecting the option to Enable threshold on graph.
To assign colors to MicroStrategy graphs using Thresholds, watch the how-to video below or follow the step-by-step instructions.
Assigning Colors to MicroStrategy Graphs Using Thresholds Video
1. Create a threshold for each Wireless Provider following their hex color codes: Verizon (#CD0012), AT&T (#009ED8), T-Mobile (#E30073), and Sprint (#FED138). In the threshold formatting properties window, assign the wireless providers branding colors to the Color and Lines > Fill > Color: section.

2. For each threshold, select the option to Enable threshold on graph and hit OK.

Sources: Basic Reporting Guide, KB42418, KB10676, KB38709
Data Source: Google Search
Video Music: Bensound